Breast Conundrms

I didn’t even buy formula. I mean, how hard could breastfeeding be? Breast is best right? It’s free, it’s easy, it helps you lose weight and it gives those all-important mammary cannons their chance to fulfil their dreams. I had no idea why any women in her right mind wouldn’t breastfeed. I hadn’t a clue. Once Elias was born I realised, almost immediately, that I was spectacularly mistaken. Having never had someone suck on my nipples with all the force of nine months of hunger, I didn't know what an acceptable level of pain was. Add to this the fact that each midwife who helped me to latch Elias on was clearly rushed off her feet, and you can see why I just bit my lip, wiggled my toes and got on with it. This was a mistake. By night number two Righty was as cracked as a dry creek bed. I was in trouble. I was an all-you-can-eat buffet for two full nights and I could only feed off the left side. My milk supply was being establ...