Getting out of the house

Getting out of the house. I wanted to write something beautiful and poignant about the Duxbury transition to a family of four. When I finally got the time to sit down and write (I’m 15 weeks in- that about sums it up) all I could think about was the process of leaving the house. Michael Macintyre has famously ranted about how difficult it is to exit the house with children but, in the words of a very good book (Ecclesiastes) there is nothing new under the sun so, with this in mind, I’m going to have my own little rant even though it is by no means the first on the subject. As a mother of two, it is now impossible to ‘pop’ anywhere. I realised this early on when I text a friend saying we were ‘popping’ over and it took forty minutes to get to her; she lives five minutes away. That was a particularly bad run though - standard getting out of the house time is twenty-five minutes. Twenty-five minutes is quite an achievement I can tell you. Bo...