
Showing posts from February, 2017


I’m shamelessly indulging in something akin to therapy by writing this. Imagine me on the sofa and you in the chair.  With the benefit of a year, I’ve come to you to talk (write) out the change of the last year.  I’m paying you good money so poise your pen and put your best listening face on. J Before Elias I had what I now describe as a very ‘teenage-girl’ like mentality towards having a baby.  I did not believe that a child would really alter anything in my life. Like a Furby, a Tamogochi, or a new pet, a baby would be an entertaining add-on to my busy life.  I planned to either start a donut business or do a couple of extra A levels with all my spare time on mat leave.  Even during my labour, I kept asking Zane to ‘TELL ME ABOUT CHRISTMAS DAY!’ I genuinely experienced some sort of pain relief by imagining how glorious Christmas day with a new born would be.  Ha. We weren’t going to turn down dinner invites; we would be a travel-cot family. Any...